Wednesday 25 April 2012

Chicken with Peaches and Basil

Directions  Ingredients
Brush Chicken with Egg. In a large frying pan, saute
over a medium heat in Butter, until done,
approximately 30 minutes. Turn over a couple of
times to cook both sides evenly through. Remove to
a temporary dish.
Peel and slice the peaches.
Pour Water into frying pan. Add Peaches, Onions and
Lemon Zest. Cook, stirring until thickened. Stir in
Basil and Salt and Pepper to taste.
Place Chicken in serving dish and pour sauce over it.
Serve with Rice.

4 Boneless Chicken Breast Slices
2 Fresh Peaches
1 Egg
2 Tbsp. Butter
3/4 Cup Water
1 Onion, Chopped
Zest of 1 Lemon (1/4 Tsp.)
1/2 Cup Fresh Basil Leaves, Chopped
Variation: Dredge Chicken in Flour after
brushing with egg.
Use Shallots instead of onions.
Use Chicken Broth instead of Water. Use
1 small can of peaches instead of fresh

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