Monday 23 April 2012

No Pink Slime Ground Beef

3-4 pound well-marbled chuck roast cut into cubes (Do NOT buy a lean roast or one with fat cut off, otherwise your ground beef will be dry and crumbly or you will need to ask the meatcutter for some beef trimmings to add into reach the optimal fat content)

Food processor with chopper blade

Making sure that your work area and tools are sanitized, cut your chick roast into  ~1x1 chunks. DO NOT BE TEMPTED TO REMOVE FAT. If you do that your ground beef will only be good for casseroles and chilis because patties will not hold together. Process in small batches, pulsing in short bursts to make sure you don't miss any cubes and ensure that you get a product that is neither too coarse or too fine. Once all of your cubes are processed, mix all together to disperse the fat fairly equally and bag and freeze or use.

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