Tuesday 24 April 2012

Paneer (Cottage Cheese curry)

1 lb. cottage cheese
1 tbsp. oil
1 large onion, pureed
1 large tomato, pureed
1 tsp. ginger paste
1 tsp. garlic paste
1/2 tsp. each cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli powders.
1 tsp. green chilli, chopped fine
1 tsp. salt or to taste
Cilantro/coriander leaves
Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan (or skillet) and fry the onion and tomato, ginger and garlic
pastes, cilantro/coriander leaves, cumin, coriander, turmeric and chilli powders together for five
minutes. The cottage cheese is added, and the curry allowed to simmer for five minutes, before
High, Medium or Low heat?
Please note that:
Vegetables tend to lose crispness and may burn on high heat.
Cooking on high heat requires constant stirring to prevent the vegetables from sticking to the
bottom of the vessel.
To be on the safe side, cook vegetables on medium low heat.
For optimum taste, use low heat, though the process is time consuming.

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