Monday 23 April 2012

Steamed Dumplings

Makes enough dumplings to serve an army (or the Dowds). You can freeze premade dumplings before cooking or freeze the filling to fill dumplings later.

1 package wonton wrappers
1 lb reduced fat sausage or ground pork
1 quarter sized piece of ginger chopped very fine
4-5 scallions chopped
1 tbsp of soy sauce
1 tbsp of sherry
1 small egg beaten

Mix all ingredients except wonton wrappers together n a quart sized ziploc bag and smoosh (a technical culinary term) together to combine ingredients. Put a scant teaspoon of filling on middle of each wrapper, dampen edges with water, fold over and seal (you will be left with a triangle, then moisten the two long ends of triangle and seal together (result looks kind of like a hat). If you want to freeze for later, put on a cookie sheet and freeze then transfer to Ziploc bag. To cook, I use a bamboo steamer from an Asian grocery which holds two layers, but you can use any steamer, just keep dumplings in a single layer and steam 15-20 minutes (I am always cautious with pork). Another way to cook is to put a little oil in a large frying pan, brown dumplings lightly, then add 1/2 to 1 cup water and cover and lower heat until all water is gone. Serve with a dip of soy sauce, Thai chili sauce or a mixture of soy sauce and a little chili-garlic sauce to add heat. These are habit forming!

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